

Leaving A Legacy For Future Generations

You can support Operation Honey Bee, Inc in a variety of ways, including through your estate. Including Operation Honey Bee, Inc in your estate plan will not only assist you in reaching and achieving your own philanthropic and charitable giving goals, but it will also allow Operation Honey Bee, Inc to continue its mission to restore Honey Bee’s to their natural populations to help save Earth. 

There are many charitable planned giving options available to you. For example, you can make a planned gift to Operation Honey Bee, Inc by naming Operation Honey Bee, Inc as a beneficiary of your last will and testament, life insurance policy or retirement plan. 

You can also name Operation Honey Bee, Inc as a beneficiary of a charitable trust. Your attorney or financial advisor can advise you of the various types of charitable trusts and assist you in establishing a trust that is tailored to your personal needs. 

Some of the above-mentioned planned giving strategies may have a greater tax benefit to you than others, so please consult with your attorney or financial advisor on which strategy would work best for you. 

Below please find examples of specific language that you may use to name Operation Honey Bee, Inc as a beneficiary of your will, trust, life insurance policy, retirement assets, or other contractual gift. If you, your attorney or financial advisor has any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Operation Honey Bee, Inc Development Department by contacting our website.
The following language is an example of wording that may be used to name Operation Honey Bee as a beneficiary of your last will and testament.  Your gift may be of a specific dollar amount or it may also be of a percentage of your estate.

a.       GENERAL TESTAMENTARY GIFT: SPECIFIC MONETARY AMOUNT:  I hereby give and bequeath _______________________ Dollars ($__________________) to Operation Honey Bee, Inc
1844 West Fairbanks AveWinter Park, FL 32789, or its successors-in-interest, to be used for general purposes. 

b.       GENERAL TESTAMENTARY GIFT: PERCENTAGE OF RESIDUE OF ESTATE:  I hereby give and bequeath ________ percent (_____%) of the rest and residue of my estate to Operation Honey Bee, Inc
1844 West Fairbanks AveWinter Park, FL 32789, or its successors-in-interest, to be used for general purposes.  

The following language is an example of wording that may be used in the event Operation Honey Bee is named as a contingent beneficiary of a trust estate.  Please keep in mind that such gifts may be of either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the trust estate. 
[Insert contingency (e.g., Upon the death of my spouse)], the Trustee shall distribute ________________ Dollars ($__________________) to Operation Honey Bee, Inc
1844 West Fairbanks AveWinter Park, FL 32789, its successors-in-interest, free and clear of trust, to be used for general purposes. 

Operation Honey Bee, Inc may be named as the beneficiary of an asset that passes outside the terms of a will or a trust (e.g., life insurance, IRA, 401(k)).  In order to clarify the intention of the donor, the contractual instrument governing the asset should set forth the following as the official recipient of the gift:

Operation Honey Bee, Inc
1844 West Fairbanks AveWinter Park, FL 32789
Attention: Development Department

Below please find some general information that may be beneficial to you in finalizing your estate plan.
Legal Name:    
Operation Honey Bee, Inc 
Incorporation Details:
501(c)(3) organization, classified as a public charity, exempt from federal income tax
Florida nonprofit corporation

Mailing Address:
Operation Honey Bee, Inc
1844 West Fairbanks AveWinter Park, FL 32789
 Attention: Development Department